Day 10 – Lancaster to Hincaster
During the last 18 months of planning for the Pilgrimage, I’ve always been worried about wind and rain and how Clarion would handle them. Today we had both in abundance.
The rain was with us most of the day and the effect is that Clarion is much whiter! The external PVA has slightly re-hydrated but he will become transluscent again as he dries out.
The wind was hard at times but with Clarion on his trolley we managed very well.
It was a relief that Clarion was still there behind the church when we went to collect his from his sleeping den.
We left Lancaster in the drizzle with a crew of 6 which reduced and expanded as folks joined and left and joined throughout the day.
Tonight Clarion is sleeping in a lovely barn full of straw with calves as his neighbours.

A straw filled barn – Bear heaven.