Day 16 –  Kirtlebridge to Lockerbie

As I have damaged my leg with a shin splint, I took the shortest route today, rather than the nicest route I had planned. I was alone, as since coming to Scotland I have had no help with pulling or carrying Clarion.

At a couple of primary schools the children came out to see me and I spoke to them for a while. At Hoddon school I was shown the lovely drawings the children had done of Clarion.

To date, 3 songs have been composed about Clarion and the Pilgrimage! And Clarion was on the front page of the Scottish Times.

I don’t have any pictures en route today as I was strapped to Clarion, but many of you have been concerned about the gradual deterioration of Clarion’s right back knee and there are pictures of the radical surgery I had to perform below. Many heartfelt thanks to Lockerbie Academy for giving us a private room for bear repair this evening. You’ll be glad to know that Clarion is now as good as new.

Clarion is a very modern bear. He's active on social media and would be happy if you would follow him.

Up to date information about Clarion's progress is on the Facebook page where there are also links to WhatsApp groups for each day (in the Events tab) . You'll find invitation links for each day so you can find out where Clarion is, see who else is meeting where, and what time he's expected to arrive at points on the way.

He also has a phone: 07432 137 034 so if you need to find out where he is en route, this is the number to call.

He also has a second phone to cover another network area, so feel free to call this one if the first one doesn't work: 07932958959