Making Clarion

Clarion is a sculpture of a male polar bear created by Bamber Hawes. He, (the bear not Bamber), stands 10ft (3.1M) tall on his hind legs in an enquiring, bewildered stance.

His skeleton is made of a few fine bamboo poles bolted together and fixed to his thin plywood foot prints. His shape is formed from masses of willow withies wired together and then skinned with special heavy duty tissue paper bonded together with external PVA glue. He is fire proof and waterproof.


Clarion weighs only 37lbs (17kg) and can be carried in various ways:
– On two bearers shoulders using two parallel wooden poles, aligned front to back.
– By four bearers holding the ends of two lateral aluminium poles that link through the wooden poles.
– If it is very windy he can be easily carried lying down with him wearing a special body harness.

He is translucent, so if his specially adapted lights are fitted inside him ~ he glows like a paper lantern. Or as in the photos of him on the Stiperstones, he glows with a wonderful sunset behind him too. (see the last photo at the bottom)

Clarion is a very modern bear. He's active on social media and would be happy if you would follow him.

Up to date information about Clarion's progress is on the Facebook page where there are also links to WhatsApp groups for each day (in the Events tab) . You'll find invitation links for each day so you can find out where Clarion is, see who else is meeting where, and what time he's expected to arrive at points on the way.

He also has a phone: 07432 137 034 so if you need to find out where he is en route, this is the number to call.

He also has a second phone to cover another network area, so feel free to call this one if the first one doesn't work: 07932958959