A Daily post from Clarion (& Bamber)
Follow Clarion’s progress on his way to Cop 26 in Glasgow. Click the images below to open up the day’s post.
Speech by Clarion the Bear and Bamber Hawes
Clarion and Bamber’s speech on reaching Cop 26 in Glasgow…
Day 23 – Arrival at Glasgow and COP 26
We made it! My crazy idea of walking with Clarion to Glasgow has been achieved…
Day 22 – Rest Day before the final push into Glasgow
Clarion is resting today, preparing for his big day tomorrow. He’s been listening to another great song, written this time by Suzy who helped carry him over the Gatesgarth Pass…
Day 21 – Strathaven to Busby
I have walked over 320 miles in 21 days. I don’t believe in a judgemental God, but if I did I’d be well and truly shriven…
Day 20 – Douglas to Strathaven
A new film inspired by ‘Song for Clarion’ that we posted a few days ago. This one is really not to be missed. Watch to the end to see some of Clarion’s kin adding their voice…
Day 19 – Crawford to Douglas
The end is almost in sight. I’m trying to make sure that I leave Clarion in good hands as he takes part in the celebratory event at COP26…
Songs about Clarion!
Two songs have been inspired by Clarion’s journey! Clarion has brought tears to people’s eyes along the route and that may be the case again here…
Day 18 – Beattock to Crawford
Thanks to Rabbie for welding the broken trolley – so generous. Other news today, rain, rain, rain. They certainly know how to do rain in Scotland…
Day 17 – Lockerbie to Beattock
It was a tough day today – wind, cold, rain, and a leg injury. Two filming sessions as well which is great, but we got a bit behind for the rest of the day…
Day 16 – Kirtlebridge to Lockerbie
Many heartfelt thanks to Lockerbie Academy for providing a private room for Clarion’s radical knee surgery today. He’s now as good as new!
We’ve come so far
To celebrate arriving in Scotland and completing over 2/3 of the Pilgrimage here is another wonderful film from professional film maker Nick Morgan. It’s a silent film and watching Bamber’s family and friends turn out to say goodbye and wave him on his way is all the more moving without sound.
Day 15 – Cargo to Kirtlebridge
Today we crossed the border into Scotland! Over 200 miles from home and 2/3 of the way to Glasgow.. Not long now…